Treatment and music groups that are socially inclusive and strength based.
In our Centre functional daily life skills, motor control and cognitive abilities of our clients are enhanced using rehabilitative physio-music techniques. Our music groups facilitate self expression, enjoyment and empowerment.
Our qualified therapists assess strengths and individual needs to create client specific individual and group treatments.
The philosophy that neurodiversity is valuable to society guides our work at the Centre.
Individual and group sessions are available and can be booked by contacting our Centre.
Treatment Objectives
Physio-Music Therapy goals include enhanced
- Functional Daily Life Skills
- Motor Control
- Cognitive Abilities
Music Group goals include enhanced
- Self Expression
- Enjoyment
- Empowerment
Individual therapy goals include enhanced
NDIS Funded
$140 1 Hour
$100 45 minutes
$70 30 minutes
Group Sessions
$40 per session
$100 1 Hour
$80 45 minutes
$50 30 minutes
Group Sessions
$10 - $30 per session
(Relative to group size)
Physio-Music Group
In the Physio-Music Therapy group people living with ABIs are given the opportunity to practice functional daily life skills in a safe and motivational therapeutic setting.
This unique group is co-created by an experienced team comprising a physiotherapist and music therapist. An integrative model guides the groups processes and modes of assessment.
The motivational and repetitive qualities of music are used to promote motor control while cognitive abilities are developed through engagement with movement and music sequences and patterns.
Music Group
In the music group, active music making is used to promote learning and/or re-learning skill sets such as communication skills.
Individuals are provided with opportunities to be empowered by: taking the lead in making music, having their music expression validated and being listened and responded to. The use of various instruments and music technologies facilitate numerous ways of communicating musically. Learning how to create and music opens up new communication outlets.
Musical abilities are retained and are able to be recreated by most people living with an ABI. In this group opportunities to share music making are created promoting social inclusion, self expression enjoyment and empowerment.
Music Group goals include enhanced
- Self Expression
- Enjoyment
- Empowerment
Music Group Times
Adults Wednesday 11.30 - 1.00 PM
Adults Friday 11.00 - 12.00 PM
Physio-Music Therapy goals include enhanced
- Functional Daily Life Skills
- Motor Control
- Cognitive Abilities
Physio-Music Group Times
$200 for 10 week term (NDIS providers)
Group Timetable
11.30 - 1.00 PM
11.00 - 12.00 PM
Physio-Music Group
Music Group
Physio-Music Group
In the Physio-Music Therapy group people living with ABIs are given the opportunity to practice functional daily life skills in a safe and motivational therapeutic setting.
In the music group, active music making is used to promote learning and/or re-learning skill sets such as communication skills.
Learn More
In the Physio-Music Therapy group people living with ABIs are given the opportunity to practice functional daily life skills in a safe and motivational therapeutic setting.
Learn More
NDIS Certified
Attuned Music Therapy Centre is a Government certified NDIS provider. Music therapy sits within the NDIS 'Improved Daily Living' category in the 'Therapeutic Supports' framework. Therapists at the Centre work within a multi-disciplinary framework complimenting other therapeutic and educational services. Our programs aim to meet goals through teaching skills that are carried over into home, school and social life.
Social Inclusiveness
Our Centre has a unique focus on group treatments that facilitate ... this and that ... joint attention
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