Physio-Music Group
In the Physio-Music Therapy group people living with ABIs are given the opportunity to practice functional daily life skills in a safe and motivational therapeutic setting.
This unique group is co-created by an experienced team comprising a physiotherapist and music therapist. An integrative model guides the groups processes and modes of assessment.
The motivational and repetitive qualities of music are used to promote motor control, while cognitive abilities are developed through engagement with movement and music sequences and patterns.
Treatment Objectives
Optimise Motor Control
Enhance Cognitive Abilities
Increase Functional Daily Life Skills
Adults xxxxxxxxxxx 11.30 - 1.00 PM
Adults xxxxxxxxxxx 11.30 - 1.00 PM
NDIS Funded
$200 for 10 week term
$10 - $30 per session
(Relative to group size)
For the ABI Page if this goes ahead:
In our Centre functional daily life skills, motor control and cognitive abilities of our clients are enhanced using rehabilitative physio-music techniques. Our music groups facilitate self expression, enjoyment and empowerment.
Ut sed egestas, volutpat.
“Pellentesque vel mattis turpis. Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante.”
— J.A.
Maecenas vehicula tortor!
“Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.”
— L.K.
Sed maximus vel velit ac rutrum.
“Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. Pellentesque vel mattis turpis.”
— J.Y.
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.
Ut sed tortor egestas, volutpat orci vel, volutpat dolor.